Improving Energy Efficiency in Partial Loaded Induction Motor- Using Power Electronic Controllers

C.Thanga Raj*
PSN College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli, India
Periodicity:November - January'2006


The Indian power sector more than tripled its installed capacity from 30 GW in 1981 to over 110 GW in 2003-04; however the country is still plagued by severe peaking and energy shortages. These shortages are exacerbated by inefficiencies in power generation, distribution and end use system. The efficiencies in the end use system are due to irrational tariffs, technological obsolescence of industrial equipment, and lack of awareness, a nascent energy service industry and inadequate policy drivers. This paper presents an analysis of partial loaded induction motor with energy efficiency.
Attributes under investigations include,
1) effect of using oversize induction motor
2) voltage regulators
3) experimental study in 1 HP motor
4) case study at 55 kW Motor


Energy efficiency, Induction motor, Power electronics, voltage control.

How to Cite this Article?

C Thanga Raj (2006). Improving Energy Efficiency In Partial Loaded Induction Motor- Using Power Electronic Controllers. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 1(2), 13-17.


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[2]. C.Thanga Raj, Dr. N.S.Mari muthu, "Power electronics based electrical energy conservation in industries by controlling voltage, frequency and power factor", National conference on Emerging trends in Electrical engineering and power drives at Government college of engineering, Tirunelveli.
[3]. Mohan, Undeland, Robbins, "Power Electronics- Converters, Applications, and design", John Wiley and Sons Publications- Third Edition.
[4]. G.K.Dubay, "Fundamentals of Electrical Drives", Narosha Publications New Delhi.
[5]. Donald R Wulfinghoff, "Energy efficiency manual" energy institutional press.
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