A Need for an Adaptive Search Tool for Teachers: Case Study

Faezeh Seyedarabi*, Arefeh Seyedarabi**
Institute of Education, London Knowledge Lab, 23-29 Emerald Street, London WC1 3QS UK
Periodicity:June - August'2005
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jsch.1.1.937


Whether intentionally or not, teachers are excluded from having the full benefit of the new technologies developed and adapted by the search engine developers, while all the current and proposed research and developments are focused mainly on the end users (students/learners, businesses and/ the government) and not specifically on teachers who act as the mediator between information and their students. Consequently teachers are left searching in isolation, without the assistance and guidance of the adaptive search engines.

Whether intentionally or not, teachers are excluded from having the full benefit of the new technologies developed and adapted by the search engine developers, while all the current and proposed research and developments are focused mainly on the end users (students/learners, businesses and/ the government) and not specifically on teachers who act as the mediator between information and their students. Consequently teachers are left searching in isolation, without the assistance and guidance of the adaptive search engines.


Hypermedia, Adaptive hypermedia, Adaptive Presentation, Adaptive Navigational Support, Adaptive.

How to Cite this Article?

Ms. Faezeh Seyedarabi and Arefeh Seyedarabi (2005). A Need for an Adaptive Search Tool for Teachers: Case Study, imanager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 1(1),40-47 https://doi.org/10.26634/jsch.1.1.937


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