Personalised Search Tool for Teachers – PoSTech!

Faezeh Seyedarabi*, Don Peterson**, Kevin Keenoy***
*University of London, Institute of Education, London Knowledge Lab iClass Project; Birkbeck University of London
Periodicity:September - November'2005


One of the ways in which teachers tend to 'personalise' to the needs of their students is by complementing their teaching materials with online resources. However, the current online resources are designed in such a way that only allows teachers to customise their search and not personalise. Therefore, a Personalised Search Tool for teachers called the “PoSTech” has been proposed for the iClass Project (EU funded) This paper will outline the functionality and the possible interface of such a tool designed in correspondence to the IEEE LOM standards.


Cross-Curricular, Differentiation, Project Based Learning, Metadata, Pedagogical Vocabulary, Personalisation, Online Search, IEEE LOM.

How to Cite this Article?

Seyedarabi,.F. Peterson. Don and Kumar.M. (2005) Personalised Search Tool for Teachers – PoSTech!. i-manager’s Journal on School Education Technology.1(2), 38-49.


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