Meta Cognition as a Means for Dialogue, Self Regulation and Learning

Ranga Venkatachary*, Muthu Kumar**
*Centre for Educational Development, Republic Polytechnic, Singapore
**Centre for Pedagogy and Practice,National Institute of Education, Singapore
Periodicity:September - November'2005


One of the key arguments for problem-based learning as a holistic, learner centred pedagogical method rests on the premise it addresses multiple facets of learner development rather than decontextualised, content related learning outcomes. Fostering meta-cognitive ability in an attempt to develop self regulatory, autonomous learning habits is an important goal of PBL learning environments. Using a small pool of data from students' Learning Journal entries from an institution which implements PBL as the sole methodological framework, this article explores the nature, type and possible conclusions from a range of student responses within a specific context. The purpose of this seminal work is to demonstrate the faint but discernible patterns one can observe through such students' work which mark their respective positions in the spectrum of ability for self regulated, self directed learning.


How to Cite this Article?

Venkatachary,.R. and Kumar,.M. (2005) Meta Cognition as a Means for Dialogue, Self Regulation and Learning. i-manager’s Journal on School Education Technology.1(2), 31-37.


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