Pragmatic Oral Proficiency In English Of The EnteringFreshmen At The College Of Education

Evelyn L.Barrido*, Lorento N.Romero**
*Dean, College of Education ,Central Mindano University, Philippines
**College Secretary, College of Education,Central Mindano University, Philippines
Periodicity:July - September'2005


The quality of the dispensation of education depends largely on the kind of people who are responsible in the operation of the educational system. Above all the other important elements teachers are in the top of the hierarchy.


Teacher Education Curriculum, dispensation of education.

How to Cite this Article?

Evelyn L. Barrido and Lorento N. Romero (2005). Pragmatic Oral Proficiency In English Of The Entering Freshmen At The College Of Education. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 2(2), 74-89.


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