Identification Of Problems Associated With Implementing Organizational Learning Through A Systems-Based Approach

Rumesh Kumar Sharma*
The Institute of Training and Development, Penang, Malaysia
Periodicity:July - September'2005


This paper uses a systems-based approach to identify problems associated with organizational learning in various subsystems in an organization. The functionalist model of the systems-based approach is first used to identify the relevant sub systems involved in organizational learning. This is followed by a consideration of key functional sub systems deemed important in the context of Organizational Learning. These sub-systems include the goal, managerial as well as human subsystems. Problems that are manifested in the context of each subsystem are identified. These problems are then assessed in the context of the overall organizational setting. On analysis the problems associated with each subsystem suggests that a traditional, linear model of problem identification that is normally used to identify problems is inappropriate. Organizational learning requires a system based approach to accurately identify organizational learning related problems. The paper concludes that for an accurate and definitive identification of the root causes of problems associated with organizational learning to be identified, a consideration of the interdependencies and inter relatedness of the various sub systems has to be carried out. For this to be done a systems approach is required.


Systems-based approach, Organizational Learning.

How to Cite this Article?

Rumesh Kumar Sharma (2005). Identification Of Problems Associated With Implementing Organizational Learning Through A Systems-Based Approach. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 2(2), 60-73.


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