Computer-Aided-Design of an electrostatic lenses column by using a combined dynamic programming procedure and artificial intelligence technique

A.K. Ahmad*, F.A. Ali**, S.M. Juma***
*Dept. of Physics, Al-Nahrain University,P.O.Box 64055 Baghdad-IRAQ
**Dept.of Physics, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad-IRAQ
***Dept. of Physics, Al-Nahrain University,P.O.Box 64055 Baghdad-IRAQ.
Periodicity:November - January'2007


A computer aided design (CAD) using optimization methods for the ion optical system has been developed, by mixing the dynamic programming procedure and artificial intelligence technique. CADION ANALYZER has been designed as an expert system, written in Java expert system shell (JESS 6.1) and Visual Basic 6 (VB6) for optimizing and analyzing full calculation processes. By using this rule based engine, the optimized axial potential distributions for electrostatic fields under imposed constraints have been used in the optical column setup. Spot size measurements were calculated in nano scales, which have values closed to (3.0) nm applicable in nano technology applications.


Smart System, Expert System, focused ion beam, Software Engineering.

How to Cite this Article?

A.K. Ahmad, F.A. Ali and S.M. Juma (2007). Computer-Aided-Design of an electrostatic lenses column by using a combined dynamic programming procedure and artificial intelligence technique. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 2(2), 87-93.


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