Applying Fuzzy Logic For Learner Modeling And Decision Support In Online Learning Systems

Computer Eng. Dept., Philadelphia University, Jordan
Periodicity:October - December'2005


Advances in computers and multimedia technology have changed traditional methods for learning and skills training. Online learning continues to play a major success of any academic program. Such learning can personalize learning needs for students, it can provide an environment where virtual reality techniques are used to create interactive interfaces and real-time software can monitor every response made by the user. This paper presents an attempt to introduce the concepts of fuzzy set theory the design of a an online educational module. Such a module can deal with uncertainties in the knowledge acquisition, representation and decision making. The fuzzy logic principles are used in creating the learner model and to provide the appropriate teaching material to each learner according to his/her learning level.


Online learning, Virtual learning environment, Fuzzy logic, Learner modeling, Decision making.

How to Cite this Article?

Kasim M. Al-Aubidy (2005). Applying Fuzzy Logic For Learner Modeling And Decision Support In Online Learning systems. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 2(3), 76-85.


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