Functional Analysis of Fetus Heart Sound and Uterous Contraction Monitoring Machine Using Quality Function Development

J.R. Sharma*, A.K. Mittra**, A.M. Rawani***
*Lecturer, Mechanical Engg. Dept.Manoharbhai Patel Institute of Engineering & Technology, Gondia (M S)
**Asst. Professor, Electronics Engg. Dept;Manoharbhai Patel Institute of Engineering & Technology, Gondia (M S)
***Professor & Head, Mechanical Engg. Dept.,National Institute of Technology, Raipur (C G)
Periodicity:November - January'2007


Technology is major stimulus for change and has become synonymous with economic progress. Technology is imbibed in various forms; the most common of this could be identified in the field of medical devices and bio-medical instruments used in life and death situations. Cardiotocograph (CTG), a fetal heart rate and uterine contraction monitoring and measurement machine, is a valuable tool in the process of childbirth. The Quality Function Deployment(QFD) is an engineering technique with the number one priority being to satisfy the customer, QFD is a method for supporting customer satisfaction by accurately translating customer requirements into system requirements throughout the entire production phase. The aim of using QFD in this paper is to highlight the limitations and complexities of the present instrument through house of quality(HOQ). The paper attempts to first discuss out the operational details of the instrument and then its functional analysis is carried out through QFD a TQM tool. The resultant outcome enlists CTG functions with their Raw Weight and Priority Score. A detailed theoretical analysis of results pinpoints the basic functional limitation of the existing machine. Alternative techniques to overcome these limitations are discussed, which if further worked upon will lead to a very cost effective and optimal solution.


Cardiotocograph, QFD, HOQ, Functional Analysis.

How to Cite this Article?

J.R. Sharma, A.K. Mittra and A.M. Rawani (2007). Functional Analysis of Fetus Heart Sound and Uterous Contraction Monitoring Machine Using Quality Function Development. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 2(2), 70-80.


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