Focus on the Learner: Fostering Gumption for Quality, Independent learning

Fatimah Hashim*, Halima Awang**
*,** University of Malaya
Periodicity:December - February'2006


How learners learn to take responsibility for their own learning remains a challenge for educators. One concept that has not been widely considered that we propose is an important requirement in successful independent learning is the concept of Gumption (Pirsig, 1974). Gumption is all about initiative and creativity, zeal and vigour — the practical application of applied intelligence. In this paper we extend Pirsig’s conception of Gumption (the “psychic gasoline”, 1974:273) to the enlightenment of those who connects with quality. We conceive of learners who are filled with gumption to be skilled at and highly aware of their sagacity, resourcefulness and foresight. Discussion will culminate in a model of teaching episode that fosters gumption. Implications of the approach for practice are also considered.


How to Cite this Article?

Fatimah Hashim and Halima Awang (2006). Focus on the Learner: Fostering Gumption for Quality, Independent learning.i-manager's Journal on School Educational Technology, 1(3),11-16.


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