How far Gender role is Successful in school Management? Cross case analysis from Pakistan

Qamar Safdar*
Senior Instructor at the Aga Khan University,
Periodicity:December - February'2007


This article reports a case study research about the management of successful schools with special emphasis on female leadership, to prove that gender does matter in successful school management. A cross case analysis was conducted with three different school leaderships, especially with regard to their profiles, personal, academic and professional qualifications, their perceptions of successful schools and the initiatives undertaken by them to improve schools. The findings reveal that gender, although significant did not matter to a great extent in successful school management, but what mattered was proper delegation and devolution of authority, firm but caring relationships, appropriate monitoring structures and practices. In this context the present study is focused on the implications of feminine leadership in Pakistan.


How to Cite this Article?

Qamar Safdar (2007). How far Gender role is Successful in school Management? Cross case analysis from Pakistan. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology,2(3),68-78.


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