Education for Life and Through out Life

Rangaswamy.A*, P. Balasubramian**, S. Allwin***
*Professor and Head, Dept. of Management Studies Infant Jesus college of Engineering,Keelavallnadu, Tuticorin District, T.N.
**LibrarianInfant Jesus College of Engineering, Keelavallanadu, Tuticorin District.Tamilnadu.
***Research Scholar Manonmaniam Sundaranar University,Tirunelveli.
Periodicity:September - November'2006


Teaching is successful only to the extent to which students are able to grasp it fully. In this age of science and technology, the process of teaching has reached new dimensions. Teaching is not a one sided affair. In the context of modern developments teaching is a tripolar process. The traditional teaching of 30 or 40 students is no longer effective. Information explosion and population explosion are bringing about changes in both developed and developing countries. The teaching practices in our universities continue to be the same. The method of teaching links the teacher and his pupils into an organic relationship with constant mutual interaction. The methods that could be followed for different levels of students discussed in this article are: play way method, Dalton’s plan, Project method, Heuristic method seminar method and demonstration method.


How to Cite this Article?

Rangaswamy A, Balasubramanian P and S. Allwin (2006). Education for Life and Through out Life. i-manager's Journal on School Educational Technology, 2(2),.29-33.


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