Technology across Motivation in Learning

S.Sharmila *, Preetha Ravikumar**
*,** Research Scholar,Department of Educational Tech ,Bharathiar University ,Coimbatore.
Periodicity:December - February'2007


Education means a natural, progressive and systematic development of an individual. It is also a conscious attempt to promote learning in others. The shift in learning witnessed the revolution of technology and the new millennium ushered in a new dimension of learning. The changes occurred in the field of education are far beyond the boundaries of our imagination. Learning through technology is becoming increasingly diverse, innovative and specialized. The arrival and rapid dissemination of digital technology in the last decades of the twentieth century has changed the styles of learning. Self-motivated learning along with the use of technology goes a great way towards the achievement and paves way for responsible learning. This article focuses on the impact of self motivated learning through technology. It also encompasses the types of learners in the technological strategies used to foster motivation.


How to Cite this Article?

S.Sharmila and Preetha Ravikumar (2007). Technology across Motivation in Learning. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology. 2(3),47-49.


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