Patterns of Mobile Technology Use in Teaching: The Teacher Perspective

Tami Seifert*
Lecturer, Kibbutzim College of Education, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Periodicity:October - December'2016


The use of mobile learning spaces is an opportunity to break the boundaries of the classroom and to prepare teacher educators and pre-service teachers for future school classes. The purpose of this study is to examine the implementation of mobile technology and usage patterns in the mobile technology space among lecturers in a teacher education college and to examine the role of pedagogical support and guidance in relation to the methods applied and the attitudes of the lecturers toward teaching and learning in the mobile learning space. The paradigm of the present study is the mixed research model combining quantitative and qualitative research. The research population consisted of the faculty members teaching in the last 2nd years in this learning space and eight pedagogical tutors and their mentors who got a tablet and were trained throughout the year to support and enhance their professional practice. The findings show that in the 1st year, most of the lecturers did not use hybrid computers in the learning space. In the 2nd year, when many of the technical difficulties were solved, more lecturers got pedagogical assistance, there were various uses of the hybrid computers for various activities. As for the pedagogical tutors, this study emphasized the significance of owning a personal and improved device, as well as providing the needed tools and assistance.


Mobile Technologies, Hybrid Computers, Learning Space, Tablets.

How to Cite this Article?

Seifert,T. (2016). Patterns of Mobile Technology Use in Teaching: The Teacher Perspective. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 13(3), 1-17.


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