Performance Enhancement to WCDMA Multimedia Network using MAC Protocol

S.Vasundara*, Venkatesh D**, Sathyanarayana***
*Assistant Professor, Dept of CSE ,JNTU College of Engg ,Anantapur,A.P
**Assistant Professor, Dept of CSE ,Gates Instiute of Technology ,Gooty,Anantapur,A.P
***Associate Professor,&Head ,Dept of CSE ,S.K. University ,Anantapur,A.P
Periodicity:October - December'2006


A medium access control (MAC) protocol is developed for wireless multimedia networks based on frequency division duplex (FDD) and widebank code division multiple access (WCDMA). This protocol isolates the communication channel to three distinct channels namely random access channel (RACH) for control packet transmission, dedicated channel (DCH) for point to point data transmission and broadcast control channel (BCCH) for system information transmission. In this protocol, a minimum-power allocation algorithm controls the received power levels of simultaneously transmitting users such that the heterogeneous bit error rates (BERs) of multimedia traffic are guaranteed. With minimum power allocation, a multimedia wideband CDMA generalized processor sharing (GPS) scheduling scheme is proposed. It provides fair queuing to multimedia traffic with different QoS constraints. It also takes into account of the limited number of code channels for each user and the variable system capacity due to interference, experienced by users in a CDMA network. The admission of real-time connections is determined by a new effective bandwidth connection admission control (CAC) algorithm, in which the minimum-power allocation is also considered. Simulation results show that the new MAC protocol guarantees QoS requirements of both real-time and non-real-time traffic in an FDD wideband CDMA network.


How to Cite this Article?

Vasundara S, Venkatesh D and Sathyanarayana A (2006). Performance Enhancement to WCDMA Multimedia Network using MAC Protocol. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 1(2),71-78.


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