Current Developments in Reading Abilities through Phonological Processing Skills and Proficiency in a Second Language

0*, Rona Dela Rosa**, Sonia Janice Pilao***
* Learning Support Coach, Additional Learning Support, South Essex College, Essex, United Kingdom.
** Instructor, Department of English, Polytechnic College of the City of Meycauayan, Bulacan, Philippines
*** Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Centro Escolar University, Manila, Philippines.
Periodicity:August - October'2016


During the past decades, the way that researchers and educators understand and describe the process of reading has been revolutionised. The present article examines the current developments in reading abilities among second language readers. The developments are further discussed in terms of a theory of general second language proficiency encompassing both oral and written language. Implications on the nature of second language reading, the database in second language reading, text-and knowledge-driven operations in second language reading, and second language reading classroom factors have been provided. Assessment of comprehension is briefly reviewed, and recommendations are provided for theoretical, cultural, and educational implications. An overview of an experimental fluency programme that attempts to address multiple components in the development of reading abilities has also been discussed.


Language Proficiency, Phonological Processing, Reading Abilities.

How to Cite this Article?

Relojo, D., Rosa, R. D., and Pilao, S. J. (2016). Current Developments in Reading Abilities through Phonological Processing Skills and Proficiency in a Second Language. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 10(2), 45-54.


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