Defense Styles Influencing Career Choice of Visually Challenged Students at Undergraduate Level

Raja Kumar S.*
Assistant Professor, GRT College of Education, Tiruttani, Thiruvallur, Tamilnadu, India.
Periodicity:August - October'2016


Visually challenged students’ career choice is influenced by many factors, including life context, personal aptitudes, and educational attainment. This study focuses the defense styles of visually challenged students and also study about their career choice. Survey method has been adopted in this investigation. Totally 77 samples were collected randomly from 11 colleges. The population of the study is visually challenged students at Undergraduate level of Arts and Science and B.Ed. colleges in Chennai District, Tamilnadu, India. The results reveal that the defense styles of visually challenged students studying at the undergraduate level have influence over the teaching and training career.


Defense Styles, Career Choice, Visually Challenged Students, Undergraduate Students

How to Cite this Article?

Kumar, S. R. (2016). Defense Styles Influencing Career Choice Of Visually Challenged Students At Undergraduate Level. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 10(2), 36-44.


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