Cognitive Developmental Phenomena of Pre-School Children in Relation to Socio-Economic Status, Anthropometric Status, and Home Environmental Status

Ananta Kumar Jena*, Bhabatosh Paul**
* Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Assam University, Silchar, India.
** M.Phil. Scholar, Department of Education, Assam University, Silchar, India.
Periodicity:August - October'2016


The present study was a causality study that investigate the effects of conditional factors; if x, y & z are the independent factors (e.g. socio-economic status, Anthropometric status, and home environmental status) on the dependent factors (e.g. memory, social skill, language acquisition, logical reasoning, and problem solving). The present study assessed the relationship between socio-economic status, anthropometric status, and home environmental status to describe the cognitive developmental phenomena of pre-school children. Here, cognitive developmental phenomena like; memory, language acquisition was dependent variable, and the socio-economic status, anthropometric status, and home environmental status of the child was the independent variables. The researcher has followed simple-random sampling technique to draw the sample from the population. The researcher has randomly selected two pre-schools of Alipurduar district and out of the two schools; the researcher has randomly selected 60 pre-school students consulted with their parents to collect the data from both the children and the parents. It was found that anthropometric and home environmental status of the pre-school children related with cognitive developmental phenomena, but not the socioeconomic status.


Anthropometric Status, Cognitive Developmental Phenomena, Home Environmental Status, Pre-School Children, Socio-Economic Status.

How to Cite this Article?

Jena, A. K., and Paul, B. (2016). Cognitive Developmental Phenomena of Pre-School Children In Relation To Socio-Economic Status, Anthropometric Status, and Home Environmental Status. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 10(2), 22-35.


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