Development Of Bangla Character Recognition System Using (Correlation and Cross-Correlation) Matlab

MD. Al-Amin*, Sajal Sarkar**
* Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Institute of Science and Technology, National University, Bangladesh.
** Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Institute of Science and Technology, National University, Bangladesh.
Periodicity:June - August'2016


Character recognition techniques, associate a symbolic identity with the image of the character, is an important area in pattern recognition and image processing. The principal idea is to convert raw images (scanned from document, typed, pictured, et cetera) into editable text like html, doc, txt or other formats. There is a very limited number of Bangla Character recognition system, if available they can't recognize the whole alphabet set. This paper demonstrates a Character Recognition system from printed Bangla characters using MATLAB. It can also compare the character in one image file to another one. Processing steps here involved binarization, noise removal and segmentation in various levels, features extraction and recognition [1].


OCR, Character Recognition, MATLAB, Cross-Correlation, Image Processing

How to Cite this Article?

Al-Amin, M. D., and Sarkar, S. (2016). Development of Bangla Character Recognition System Using (Correlation & Cross-Correlation) Matlab. i-manager’s Journal on Pattern Recognition, 3(2), 1-6.


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