“Let's Work: Involving Nursing Students in the Care of Elderly People at Nursing Home”

Mehtab Qutbuddin Jaffer*, Shanaz Cassum**
* Instructor, Aga Khan University School of Nursing and Midwifery.
** Assistant Professor, Aga Khan University School of Nursing and Midwifery.
Periodicity:August - October'2016
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jnur.6.3.8256


Working in nursing homes is the most challenging task for a nursing staff, but at the same time it can be a spirit jarring experience for young nursing students. From the perspective of nursing students, often students find it difficult to deal with elderly people living in the nursing home. They feel stressed, depressed, and insecure when asked to communicate with elderly people. At the Aga Khan University School of Nursing and Midwifery (AKU-SONAM), baccalaureate nursing students chose an elective course on care of elderly clients, where theory is offered in a blended form and clinical experience is provided by visiting senior old aged home. In this article, the students have two weeks to work with elderly clients, where they plan some interventions based on their assessment, to improve communication with the elderly, to increase their involvement and to advance their health behaviors.


Care of Elderly client, Clinical Project, Nursing students.

How to Cite this Article?

Jaffer, M.Q., and Cassum, S. (2016). “Let's Work: Involving Nursing Students in the Care of Elderly People at Nursing Home”. i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 6(3), 1-4. https://doi.org/10.26634/jnur.6.3.8256


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