Investigation on Fluid Flow Behaviour of Granular Soil

K. Srikanth*, P.N. Singh**, K.K. Singh***
* PG Student, Department of Civil Engineering, VNR VJIET, Hyderabad, India.
** Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, VNR VJIET, Hyderabad, India.
*** Senior Geologist, Geological Survey of India, Nagole, Hyderabad, India.
Periodicity:September - November'2016


Permeability of soils/geomaterial is of great interest for any civil or geological engineering projects such as, building construction, foundation of earthen dams, sub-base of pavement design and also in studying land subsidence, etc. In general, fluid flow rate/discharge through soil mass changes with time and becomes constant after achieving steady state condition and is determined using the discharge data corresponding to such condition. This research intention is to quantify the variation in the fluid flow behaviour of granular soil with time under a constant confining stress and a flow pressure condition on different identical samples collected from Narsapur village, Medak district, Telangana, India. Also, authors has defined a critical range of time period beyond which the flow through granular soil attains a steady state condition. The fluid flow experiment was performed on a cylindrical soil sample (38 mm diameter, and 76 mm length) employing flexible wall permeameter. The obtained result indicates that the discharge through a granular soil sample decreases with time initially (upto 900 s) and then attains a steady state condition with prolonged time (≤2700 s). Further, it was observed that the critical point (≈1200 s), beyond which the fluid flow becomes almost constant in all the identical samples of granular soil. The obtained results are quite promising and can be utilized by the engineers and research fraternity to further improve the models (theoretical as well as numerical) pertaining to the fluid flow through the granular soil.


Hydraulic Conductivity, Flexible Wall Permeameter, Flow Pressure, Confining Stress, Granular Soil.

How to Cite this Article?

Srikanth, K., Singh, P.N., and Singh, K.K. (2016). Investigation on Fluid Flow Behaviour of Granular Soil. i-manager’s Journal on Structural Engineering, 5(3), 33-39.


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