Intelligent Vehicle Accident Alert for Ambulance, Traffic Clearance, and Detecting Stolen Vehicles Using GSM Technology

Manasseh S.*
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous), Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:February - April'2016


Indian traffic is non-lane based and chaotic. In recent years, wireless networks are widely used in the road transportation. The proposed system tracks the location of an emergency vehicle, and provides a green wave to the vehicle. Implementation is adopted using RFID transponders, tags, readers, and wireless technologies. RFID is a profitable system which will provide uninterrupted wireless communication in the network even in all conditions. RFID technology allows several items to be quickly scanned, enabling fast identification of a particular ambulance in the lane and also the stolen vehicles, even when it is surrounded by several other items and proximity sensors to calculate the count of normal vehicles was not attempted in traffic control. RFID access control system controls the entire operation by using RFID readers and RFID tags and processes them into the wireless network by using GSM technology, the type of modem to access the speed of operation without delay by using ZigBee, operating at low-power to perform predefined tasks at all the levels of work configurations. Therefore the proposed system provides a simple, low-cost, and real time smart traffic light control system that aims to overcome many defects and improve the traffic management.


ZigBee, RFID, GSM Traffic.

How to Cite this Article?

Manasseh, S. (2016). Intelligent Vehicle Accident Alert for Ambulance, Traffic Clearance, and Detecting Stolen Vehicles Using GSM Technology. i-manager's Journal on Embedded Systems, 5(1), 24-29.


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