Dynamic Analysis of Vector Controlled Induction Motor Using Artitifcial Intelligent Controller

Prashant Menghal*, Brajpal Singh**
* Associate Professor, Cadets Training Wing (CTW), Military College of Electronics and Mechanical Engineering, Secunderabad, India.
** Assistant Professor, Cadets Training Wing (CTW), Military College of Electronics and Mechanical Engineering, Secunderabad, India.
Periodicity:August - October'2016
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jic.4.4.8230


In the industrial sector, especially in the field of electric drives & control, induction motors play a vital role. Without proper controlling of the speed, it is virtually impossible to achieve the desired task for a specific application. Vector control has been preferred over scalar controlled induction motor due to its superior dynamic performance. As the PI controller has bounded operating limits and poor transient response, a search for an alternative controller arises. Due to advancement in Artificial Intelligence Technique such Fuzzy Logic (FL), Artificial Neural Network, ANFIS has gained momentum as a controller for nonlinear systems. In this paper, artificial intelligent controller such as FLC and ANN have been designed in a vector controlled induction motor drive. The dynamic modeling and simulation of induction motor drive has been done in MATLAB/SIMULINK. The performance evaluation of vector controlled drive has been presented for no load, positive and negative load as well zero speed conditions. The simulation results are presented with the PI controller and Artificial Intelligent controller such as Fuzzy logic and Neural Network. It proves that ANN based vector controlled induction motor drive have better performance as compared to PI and FLC controllers.


Proportional Integrator (PI) Controller, Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC), Neural Network (NN), Intelligent Controller, Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS).

How to Cite this Article?

Menghal, P.M., and Singh, B. (2016). Dynamic Analysis of Vector Controlled Induction Motor Using Artitifcial Intelligent Controller. i-manager’s Journal on Instrumentation and Control Engineering, 4(4), 23-30. https://doi.org/10.26634/jic.4.4.8230


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