Innovation in Higher Education: The Influence of Classroom Design and Instructional Technology

Christine Siegel*, Jennifer Claydon**
* Vice Provost and Associate Vice President, Academic Affairs, Fairfield University, Connecticut, USA.
** Accreditation Coordinator, Fairfield University, Connecticut, USA.
Periodicity:September - November'2016


The current work seeks to explore University professors' perspectives on teaching and learning in an innovative classroom characterized by flexible design of space, furniture and technology. The study took place during the 2015-2016 academic year at Fairfield University, a Masters comprehensive university in the Northeastern United States. Qualitative research methods for data collection and analysis were used to gather and summarize professors' perspectives, with specific attention to their integration of technology for instruction and use of teaching strategies. Emergent themes revealed that professors redesigned course work and class time to utilize the innovative technology and space effectively. Results further demonstrated that professors actively integrated multiple types of technology into classroom instruction and used a variety of pedagogies to engage students. Additionally, professors expressed increased satisfaction and motivation for teaching related to ease of instructional technology and flexibility of classroom furniture. Future research is needed to examine how such changes in instructor perspectives might influence paradigm shifts in higher education and impact college student learning.


Classroom Design, Instructional Technology, Active Learning, Innovative Pedagogy, Higher Education.

How to Cite this Article?

Siegel, C., and Claydon, J. (2016). Innovation in Higher Education: The Influence of Classroom Design and Instructional Technology. i-manager's Journal on School Educational Technology, 12(2), 24-33.


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