One important theme in technology education is the growing need to develop the type of pedagogies that encourage pupils in authentic and meaningful learning experiences. Often, the teaching strategies of technology education are only a matter of teaching the handling of materials and tools, and the production of mere objects does not consider how to incorporate broader pedagogical connections in comprehensive school technology education.

The concept of meaningful learning has been brought into use in technology education of comprehensive school because some generic skills should also be learned in the work process. In this article, learning in technology education is approached from the point of view of meaningful learning. In addition, the realization of practicing the meaningful learning in the teaching of technology is examined.


Pedagogical Background For Technology Education -Meaningful Learning In Theory And Practice

Ossi Autio*
* Senior Lecturer in Technology Education at the University of Helsinki, Finland.
Periodicity:January - March'2009


One important theme in technology education is the growing need to develop the type of pedagogies that encourage pupils in authentic and meaningful learning experiences. Often, the teaching strategies of technology education are only a matter of teaching the handling of materials and tools, and the production of mere objects does not consider how to incorporate broader pedagogical connections in comprehensive school technology education.

The concept of meaningful learning has been brought into use in technology education of comprehensive school because some generic skills should also be learned in the work process. In this article, learning in technology education is approached from the point of view of meaningful learning. In addition, the realization of practicing the meaningful learning in the teaching of technology is examined.


Meaningful Learning, Pedagogies, Technology Education

How to Cite this Article?

Ossi Autio (2009). Pedagogical Background For Technology Education - Meaningful Learning In Theory And Practice. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 5(4), 14-23.


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