Architectural Design of General Cryptanalysis Platform for Pedagogical Purposes

Sufyan T. Faraj Al-Janabi*, Wael Ali Hussein Saleh Aljumaily**
* College of CS and IT, University of Anbar, Ramadi, Iraq.
** College of CS and IT, University of Anbar, Ramadi, Iraq.
Periodicity:July - September'2016


Cryptanalysis is one of the most challenging research areas in the field of information security. Often, this includes how to find the key which has been used for hiding the message and thus to arrive to the original information. In order to avoid others’ attacks, one should first have enough knowledge and experience of the existing cryptanalytic attacks on various cryptographic systems. These attacks and their avoidance requirements can be described based on information available to opponent, computational time requisites, memory requirements, etc. Security analysis of the existing ciphers is very helpful to better understand the requirements for designing secure and efficient ciphers. This paper main objective is to propose a design for a general cryptanalysis platform for pedagogical purposes. Besides educational benefits expected on information security side, other benefits of practicing with certain software development methods will also be investigated. The whole work can be considered to be under the general title of ethical hacking. In order to make a solid ground for the research, the paper starts by surveying different cryptanalysis techniques for various cipher systems. The paper also reports on the progress of our ongoing work.


Agile Development, Ethical Hacking, Cryptanalysis, Cryptography, Open-ended Project, Software Engineering

How to Cite this Article?

Al-Janabi, S. T. F., and Hussien, W. A. (2016). Architectural Design of General Cryptanalysis Platform for Pedagogical Purposes. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 11(1), 1-12.


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