Corporate Social Responsibility in Turkey: A Conceptual Paper

Ina Freeman*, Egemen Deniz Bahar**
* Associate Professor, Rockford University, East State Street, Rockford, USA.
** MBA Candidate, Rockford University, East State Street, Rockford, USA.
Periodicity:September - November'2016


This paper looks to the implementation of CSR in Turkey, an emerging country that is a portal between eastern and western concepts and ideas. Until recently, Turkey has not expended much effort on the implementation of CSR, despite the demands of the European Union that Turkey pass CSR legislation and implement the CSR provisions already in place prior to Turkey being accepted as a member of the European Union. However, some businesses have taken the torch and implemented their own CSR programs, often to address social inequities that do not necessarily fall within the framework of their operations. This varies from how CSR is implemented in many countries where corporations engage in social activities that complement their operations and business expertise. Some of these businesses are Turkish in origin and ownership indicating CSR is slowly gaining a foothold in Turkey. In this paper, the status of CSR in Turkey is discussed and examples of Turkish businesses are given which develop and operate programs that clearly fall within the guidelines of CSR.


Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, Turkey, Emerging Nation, European Union.

How to Cite this Article?

Freeman, I., and Bahar, E.D. (2016). Corporate Social Responsibility in Turkey: A Conceptual Paper. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 11(2), 1-11.


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