Security Threats to Cloud and Corresponding Solutions

D. Raghavaraju*
*Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SVIT, Anantapur, India.
Periodicity:February - April'2016


Distributed computing frameworks speak to a standout amongst the most complex processing frameworks as of now in presence. Current uses of Cloud include broad utilization of disseminated frameworks with shifting level of network and use. With a late concentrate on huge scale expansion of Cloud processing, personality administration in Cloud based frameworks is a basic issue for the maintainability of any Cloud-based administration. This zone has additionally gotten extensive consideration from the exploration group and also the IT business. Diverse calculations and methodology are utilized by the specialists. Still distributed computing security is in its center stage. A few IT organizations are concentrating on cloud security and cloud information security. This paper gives a thought regarding security dangers and arrangements.


Cloud Computing, Security, Attacks, Distributed Computing

How to Cite this Article?

Raghavaraju, D. (2016). Security Threats to Cloud and Corresponding Solutions. i-manager’s Journal on Cloud Computing,3(2), 32-36.


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