Analyse the Encryption and Decryption Conversion Time of Various Algorithms on Different Settings of Dataset

A. Usha*, A. Subramani**
* M.Phil Scholar, Department of Computer Science, Govt. Arts College, Dharmapuri, India.
** Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Govt. Arts College, Dharmapuri, India.
Periodicity:June - August'2016


Security is the most difficult angle in the system correspondence framework. In system correspondence framework, trade of information data for the most part happens on arranged PCs, remote telephone, and other web based electronic contraptions. Cryptography is the one of the primary PC securities that proselytes data from its ordinary structure into a disjointed structure by utilizing encryption and decoding strategies. The security of remote systems principle acknowledges and the procedure of encryption and decoding assumes as an imperative part to give security to the remote systems. Unsecured information goes through numerous kinds of result. The cryptography strategies used to just an approve individual can have the capacity to open and read the first message. Various cryptography methods are created to accomplish the security in the system correspondence framework. There are essentially two sorts of cryptography systems, viz. symmetric key and Asymmetric key. In Symmetric key systems, the same key is utilized to encryption and unscrambling information. An awry key procedure is utilized to illuminate the key circulation. In Asymmetric keys, are utilized in two keys particular open key and private key. In this, the Public key is utilized for encryption and the private key is utilized for decoding. This paper gives a contrast between the cryptography calculations on various settings of information parcels and utilizing the different calculations (DES, AES, Blowfish, RSA, RC6, RC4, and TRIPLEDES). In this paper relative investigation of the DES, AES, Blowfish, RSA, RC6, RC4 and TRIPLEDES calculations, for example, distinctive size of information squares, diverse key sizes, and encryption /decoding speed are done. Various symmetric and lopsided calculations are proposed in reason situation. Numerous favourable position and weakness are in calculation. This paper is a review of the better than ever Security based calculations in system security.


Encryption, DES, AES, Blowfish, RSA, RC4, RC6, TRIPLEDES.

How to Cite this Article?

Usha. A and Subramani. A (2016). Analyze the Encryption and Decryption Conversion Time of Various Algorithms on Different Settings of Dataset. i-manager’s Journal on Information Technology, 5(3), 44-53.


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