Single OFCC Based Continuous Time Filter

Prateek Tripathi*, Prashant Gola**, Neeta Pandey***, Rajeshwari Pandey****
*-** Undergraduate, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Daulatpur, Delhi, India.
***-**** Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Daulatpur, Delhi, India.
Periodicity:November - January'2016


A single Operational Floating Current Conveyor (OFCC) based continuous time filter is proposed in this paper. The proposed filter can be configured for low pass, band pass and high pass responses by choosing proper impedances. It shows orthogonal controllability of pole frequency and quality factor. It can provide low pass, high pass and band pass responses by appropriately selecting component values. The verification of the theoretical proposition is done through AC and transient analysis in SPICE. The resilience of the circuit has been tested by the use of Monte Carlo analysis in SPICE.


Continuous Time Filter, Operatonal Floating Current Conveyor, Low Pass Filters, High Pass Filters, Band Pass Filters

How to Cite this Article?

Tripathi,P., Gola,P., Pandey,N., and Pandey,R. (2016). Single OFCC Based Continuous Time Filter. i-manager’s Journal on Embedded Systems, 4(4), 30-37.


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