Gender And Academic Qualification Differetials Of Nigerian University Teachers In Computer Skills Acquisition And Programmes Mastery: Implications On Effective Teaching

O. Agbatogun Alaba*
* Olabisi Onabanjo University, Faculty of Education,Department of Curriculum Studies and Instructional Technology, Ago- lwoye, Ogun-State Nigeria.
Periodicity:June - August'2007


Nigerian university teachers’ level of computer skills acquisition and programme mastery was x-rayed in this study. 367 university teachers with mean age of 41.21 and Standard deviation of 9.56 drawn from 2 universities in Ogun-state, Nigeria was used as the sample for the study. The Computer Skills Acquisition and Progarmme Mastery Questionnaire was used for data collection. The data collected was analysed at 0.05 level of significance using the t-test and Analysis of Variance statistical tools. The results indicated that gender had a great influence on the level of computer skills acquisition and programme mastery of university teachers. Meanwhile, as the computer skills acquisition level of the university teachers was academic qualification specific, their level of computer programme mastery was not dictated by their level of academic qualifications. It was among other things recommended that in all universities, students of faculty of education should be made to undergo computer appreciation course, the university teachers are taken through computer training in order to improve their level of computer literacy, while the universities management should endeavour to make personal computer available to every university teachers in order to facilitate effective teaching and learning.


Effective Teaching, Learning.

How to Cite this Article?

O. Agbatogun Alaba (2007). Gender And Academic Qualification Differetials Of Nigerian University Teachers In Computer Skills Acquisition And Programmes Mastery: Implications On Effective Teaching. 3(1), 57-63.


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