A Survey on Energy Aware Job Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Environment

Shaik Naseera*, P. Jyotheeswai**
* Associate Professor, Department of Computing Science and Engineering, VIT University, Vellore, India.
** Associate Professor, Department of Computing Science and Engineering, SVCET, Chittoor, India.
Periodicity:November - January'2016


Now-a-days there is a lot of attention to cloud computing by the Research community. Cloud computing is a platform that supports the sharing of resources, communication and storage capacity over the internet. The primary benefit of moving to the Clouds is application scalability. It provides virtualized resources and are built on the base of Grid & distributed computing. Cloud computing is also environmental friendly framework. It benefits from the efficient utilization of resources and optimal scheduling algorithms. The growth of internet based applications demands the need for the development of algorithms that cope with the escalation in energy consumption and reduce the operational cost and emission of CO gases. In this paper, the authors present a review on energy aware job scheduling algorithms existing 2 in the literature. This paper helps the readers to understand the functionality and parameters focus of various energy aware scheduling algorithms available in the literature.


Cloud Computing, Green Energy-Efficient, Improved Differential Evolution, Dynamic Resource Allocation, Job Scheduling, Just In-time, Adaptive Energy-efficient, Hierarchical Reliability-driven

How to Cite this Article?

Naseera, S., and Jyotheeswai, P. (2016). A Survey on Energy Aware Job Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Environment. i-manager’s Journal on Cloud Computing, 3(1), 30-36.


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