Information and communicative technologyComputers as research tools

Mahender Reddy Sarsani*
*Associate Professor of Educafion,UnNersity College of Educafion, KakatiyaUniversily, Warangal (AP).
Periodicity:June - August'2007


The emergence of “the electronic age, /electronic cottages/ the electronic world” has affected the whole world; particularly the emergence of computers has penetrated everyone’s life to a remarkable degree. They are being used in various fields including education. Recent advances and especially in the area of computer technology has heralded the development and implementation of new and innovative teaching strategies. There is growing interest in the application of computer-based tools to support higher level thinking, improve teaching and learning processes and effect in the field of research. Computers can be used as a research tools to carryout various tasks. The use software and the Internet deserve special mention here. Internet is the newest and in the world of educational computing, it is being promoted by many as the most powerful tool for learning ever invented. What makes it so powerful is that it allows the child or young person to freely search for educational material or useful information, as well as doing communication with all sorts of people in different parts of the planet.


How to Cite this Article?

Mahender Reddy Sarsani (2007).Information and communicative technology Computers as research tools. 3(1),35-43.


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