Emerging Technologies in Distance Education:New Paradigms of Pedagogy in 21st Century

Irshad Husain*
* Lecture ,Department of Education,Thelslamia University of Bahawalpul: Pakistan
Periodicity:June - August'2007
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jsch.3.1.800


New developments in technology,irrespective of the fields. These have a potential role to play in the field of education and training, especially distance education, to transform it into an interactive paradigm. These can provide education beyond the boundaries of a nation and/or state making it accessible to learners at their own pace. These are instructional means used for effective, productive and interactive teaching learning process.

At present, effective and efficient teaching learning process is potentially possible at any time, any place and in any discipline. It occurs in changed environment with a shift from teacher centered teaching to student centered learning. The greater emphasis is on students’ activity rather on teachers’. Teachers are required to play new role in new settings. Accumulated knowledge and experience occupies central place, to which students have direct access. Students learn not only by the teacher but also with the teacher by interacting with one another, teachers and institution through emerging technologies. In this article effort has been made to point out the impact and potential role of emerging technologies in distance education.


How to Cite this Article?

Irshad Hussain (2007).Emerging Technologies in Distance Education:New Paradigms of Pedagogy in 21st Century. 3(1), 25-34. https://doi.org/10.26634/jsch.3.1.800


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