Key Ingredients for Effective Problem-Based Learning Lessons

Halima Awang*, Fatimah Hashim**
*,** University Malaya.
Periodicity:June - August'2007


It has been well recognized that problem-based learning (PBL) embraces the principles of what constitute good learning and teaching which encourage integrated, independent and experiential development of a number of skills including team work and communication. The question is how best can the PBL approach be implemented to ensure maximum gain of deep learning? Two issues that need to be addressed are: the problem itself and the sagacity to get involved around this problem. Mindsets need to be changed in terms of appraising students’ performance.


Problem-based Learning

How to Cite this Article?

Halima Awang and Fatimah Hashim (2007). Key Ingredients for Effective Problem-Based Learning Lessons. 3(1),13-16.


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