Managing Standards-Based Teacher Education For Transformation

0*, Pervez A. Shami**
* Scholar, Foundation University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
** Director General, Academy of Educational Planning And Management, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Periodicity:June - August'2007


Recognition of the importance of developing teacher education is closely tied to the need for standards to transform the system and to harmonize school and teacher education. This has become crucial pre-requisite for the much needed shift towards knowledge based economy. This paper presents an overview of the management and subsequent needed techniques to manage standards based teacher education. The study suggests determining primarily the standards of education before embarking on standards based teacher education. The model as presented has been illustrated with example which is more directional in nature deliberating on standards of education and based on there standards and outline for teacher education. The model will prove helpful to teacher education and their curriculum planners in reshaping standards based teacher education.


Standards based Education, Teacher Education, Efficacy.

How to Cite this Article?

Taqadus Bashir and Pervez A. Shami (2007). Managing Standards-Based Teacher Education For Transformation. 3(1),.1-7.


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