This paper aims to address the need of increasing student achievement in mathematics using a visual programming language such as Scratch. This visual programming language facilitates creating an environment where students in K-12 education can develop mathematical simulations while learning a visual programming language at the same time. Furthermore, the study of visual programming tools as a means to increase student achievement in mathematics could possibly generate interests within the computer-supported collaborative learning community. According to Jerome Bruner in Children Learn By Doing, "knowing how something is put together is worth a thousand facts about it. It permits you to go beyond it” (Bruner, 1984, p.183).
">This paper aims to address the need of increasing student achievement in mathematics using a visual programming language such as Scratch. This visual programming language facilitates creating an environment where students in K-12 education can develop mathematical simulations while learning a visual programming language at the same time. Furthermore, the study of visual programming tools as a means to increase student achievement in mathematics could possibly generate interests within the computer-supported collaborative learning community. According to Jerome Bruner in Children Learn By Doing, "knowing how something is put together is worth a thousand facts about it. It permits you to go beyond it” (Bruner, 1984, p.183).