Development And Evaluation Of Computer-BasedLaboratory Practical Learning Tool

Y. B. Gandole*
Dept. of Electronics Adarsha Science J.B.Arts and Birla Commerce Mahavidyalaya Dhamangaon Rly.
Periodicity:January - March'2006


Effective evaluation of educational software is a key issue for successful introduction of advanced tools in the curriculum. This paper details to developing and evaluating a tool for computer assisted learning of science laboratory courses. The process was based on the generic instructional system design model. Various categories of educational software that can be used for laboratory courses are described. The use of computer based resources in supporting the teaching of electronics science laboratory course is described where the course has been enhanced to develop skills in experimental design, data analysis and links to theoretical parts of the subject.


Computer Assisted Learning, Experimental Design, Data Analysis.

How to Cite this Article?

Yogendra Gandole (2006). Development and Evaluation Of Computer-Based Laboratory Practical Learning Tool. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 2(4), 73-79.


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