Unorganized Cognitive Structures Of Illiterate As The Key Factor In Rural E-Learning Design

Dinesh S.Katre*
*Head of National Multimedia Resource centre of C-DAC
Periodicity:January - March'2006


Cognitive Structures and Linguistic Sequential Memory or Memory of Serial Order are not very well developed among illiterate people contrary to educated people. It affects the comprehension of abstract ideas and the usability of the system. Therefore the cognitive limitations of illiterate must be considered for instructional design and user interface design to achieve better results out of rural e-learning. The paper also throws light on the reasons behind the unorganized cognitive structures of illiterate.


Cognitive Structure, Linguistic Sequential Memory, Memory of Serial Order, Usability, Instructional Design, Rural e-Learning, User Interface Design, Illiterate Subjects.

How to Cite this Article?

Dinesh S. Katre (2006). Unorganized Cognitive Structures Of Illiterate As The Key Factor In Rural E-Learning Design. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 2(4), 67-72.


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