An Intelligent Model of Syntactic Parser for a Natural Language Understanding Interface

T. Jenitha Jeba Sheeli*, Joseph Raj V**
*Research Scholar ,Mother Teresa Women's University ,Kodaikanal
**Head ,Dept of ComputerScience ,Kamaraj College ,Thoothukudi
Periodicity:October - December'2006


Natural Language Understanding Interface allows the user to interact with the computer in a flexible and friendly manner. This paper describes a neural network model of syntactic parser for a Natural language understanding interface. This intelligent parser performs the parsing in two steps: Parts-of-speech tagging is carried out by a Back Propagation Network that takes an English word as input and generates as output the associated parts-of-speech tags; parse structure generation is done by a similar intelligent network that uses the output of the parts-of-speech tagging network and grammar rules. The proposed Back Propagation Network uses genetic algorithm for weight determination. Being a robust and optimization technique, Genetics Algorithm (GA) outperforms the gradient based conventional training algorithm, giving solution fairly accurately and quickly in less number of iterations.


Parsing, Genetics, Neural Network, Natural Language, Syntactic Structure

How to Cite this Article?

T. Jenitha Jeba Sheeli and Joseph Raj V (2006). An Intelligent Model of Syntactic Parser for a Natural Language Understanding Interface. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 1(2), 27-33.


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