Performance Evaluation of Exponential Congestion Control Algorithm

Raja Ram M*, Ramyalakshmi D**, Venkateshkumar D***
*Asst Prof .EEE Thanthai Periyar Goverment Institute Vellore.
**,*** Dept of CSE Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engg College Perambalur.
Periodicity:October - December'2006


The TCP protocol is used by the majority of the network applications on the Internet. TCP performance is strongly influenced by its congestion control algorithms that limit the amount of transmitted traffic based on the estimated network capacity and utilization. Because the freely available Linux operating system has gained popularity especially in the network servers, its TCP implementation affects many of the network interactions carried out today. This study introduces and analyses a class of non-linear congestion control algorithms called Exponential congestion control algorithms. This algorithm provide additive increase using a Exponential of the inverse of the current window size and provide multiplicative decrease using the Exponential of the current window size. They are further parameterized by a and ß. The results of simulation are compared with that of the TCP variants such as TCP, TCP/Reno, TCP/Sack1, TCP/Fack TCP/Vegas and TCP-EXPO. The Comparison shows that Exponential Congestion Control algorithm performs better in terms of throughput.


Congestion Control, TCP, Non-linear Algorithms, ns2

How to Cite this Article?

Raja Ram M, Ramyalakshmi D and Venkateshkumar D (2006). Performance Evaluation of Exponential Congestion Control Algorithm. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 1(2), 14-21.


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