Web and Network Communication Security Algorithms

Krishna A.V.N*, Vishnu Vardhan B**, Pavan Roy M***, Vinaya Babu A ****
*Professor, Indur Institute of Eng. & Tech, Andhra Pradesh.
**,*** Associate Professor, Indur Institute of Eng. & Tech, Andhra Pradesh.
****Director, Centre for Continuing& Distance education,J.N.T.U, Hyderabad .
Periodicity:July - September'2006
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jse.1.1.761


One of the recent developments in telecommunication industry is the introduction of communications through internet. Some of the applications of internet are easy communications, vast library of information at one place, electronic business through internet, e learning modules and so on. As the usage is increasing the problem of privacy and security to data is also increasing. In this context, security to the data comes into picture.

Anyone designing a product, that will be connected to the internet should be concerned about network security. T &T algorithm is pre-integrated with a wide range of security mechanisms. The broad range of choices makes it easy for the developer to determine the appropriate level of security necessary for their device and deploy it with virtually no impact to their schedules or time to market.

It is generally agreed that the most powerful tool in providing network security is encryption. In this work, some encryption algorithms are going to be discussed in terms of their code breaking time, computational complexity and response time.


R.S.A. Algorithm, Substitution Algorithm, T&T Algorithm, Comparative Study, Examples

How to Cite this Article?

Krishna A.V.N, Vishnu Vardhan B, Pavan Roy M and Vinaya Babu A (2006). Web and Network Communication Security Algorithms. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering,1(1) 12-14. https://doi.org/10.26634/jse.1.1.761


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