Effect of Selfish Nodes in a Mari Topology Based Adhoc Wireless Ndetworks – A Proposed Solution

Subramanyam M.V*, K. Satya Prasad**
*HOD of ECE Dept .R.G.M College of Engg and Tech,Nandyal,Kurnool
**Principal and prof of ECE ,JNTU College of Engg,Kakinada ,Godavari ,India
Periodicity:April - June'2007
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jse.1.4.756


A mobile ad hoc network is a self-organizing and rapidly deployable network in which neither a wired backbone nor a centralized control exists, without using any pre-defined topology and pre-defined infrastructure. The goal of an ad-hoc wireless network is to enable communication between any two wireless connected nodes in the network. Using intermediate nodes in the network as forwarding agents enables communication between nodes that are beyond direct communication range. Ad hoc wireless networks are also more prone to security threats and misbehaving nodes. One more problem that we cannot predict in the ad hoc wireless network is misbehaving nodes. Generally a good network must contain all the nodes with cooperative in nature. If any node that has a strong motivation to deny packet forwarding to others, while at the same time using their services to deliver own data, leads more complication and problems in the ad hoc wireless networks. These nodes are some time called as selfish nodes.

In this paper we propose a Path Management Protocol on Ad hoc Wireless Network (PMP-ANT) designed based on the MARI topology, to cope with misbehavior nodes. In this approach we use PMP-ANT protocol to detect misbehaving nodes and to isolate them from the network, so that misbehavior will not pay off but result in denied service and thus cannot continue. PMP-ANT detects misbehaving nodes by means of direct observation and second-hand information about several types of misbehavior and also using the reputation system and Trust records.


Misbehavior Nodes, MARI Topology, Monitor, Reputation System, Trust Records

How to Cite this Article?

Subramanyam M.V and K. Satya Prasad (2007). Effect of Selfish Nodes in a Mari Topology Based Adhoc Wireless Ndetworks – A Proposed Solution. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 1(4),75-80. https://doi.org/10.26634/jse.1.4.756


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