Systems Innovation And Education Management Systems (EMS)

A.V. Nageswara Rao*
Faculty Member MBA Progrom in S.S.V.P College of Management Studies.
Periodicity:January - March'2006


Many researchers and practitioners contend that all institutions respond to changing market need and can create competitive advantage through innovation and creativity. Each year, institutions expend significant resources developing new products and processes and yet research shows that more than half these initiatives fail. Successful institutions are not innovative by accident; they deliberately manage their innovation process. In order to effectively manage the innovation process, institutions must utilise proven approaches to “lever” innovation within the institutions. This article proposes a new approach to managing systems innovation that centres on the process of institutional innovation and good management practice. This approach aims to provide a more integrated approach to systems innovation that will make it more systemic and improve its likelihood of success. This article main objective is to present systems innovation and education management systems (EMS).


Systems Innovation, Levers, Education Management Systems.

How to Cite this Article?

A.V.Nageswararao (2006). Systems Innovation and Education Management Systems (EMS). i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 2(4), 28-39.


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