Subject Matter: Meaningful Learning In Technology Education

Ossi Autio*
University of Helsinki, Finland.
Periodicity:January - March'2006


In Finland teaching of technology has traveled a long road during its 140-year history. It has gradually gone from the copying of the model series dating back to 1860's to the building of computer controlled robots. Materials, techniques and technology have developed wildly but the pedagogic contents are restricted regrettably still often only around the product to be made.
In technology education subject matter teaching model, which includes motivation, planning, working and evaluation is striven for out of narrow minded object thinking and out of merely copying working. In this article subject matter teaching model is approached from the point of view of meaningful learning.


Subject Matter, Technology Education, Pedagogic Of Technology Of Technology Education.

How to Cite this Article?

Ossi Autio (2006). Subject Matter: Meaningful Learning In Technology Education. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 2(4), 13-18.


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