On-line Network Reconfiguration and Service Restoration in Radial Distribution Systems Using Genetic Algorithm

P. V. Prasad*, Sreenivasulu N**
*Associate Professor, Chaithanya Bharathi Institute of Technology ,Hyderabad,India.
**Associate Professor, J.N.T.U.College of Engineering ,Anatapur,India
*** Principal ,Vaagdevi Institute of Technology ,Proddatur,India
Periodicity:April - June'2007
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jse.1.4.742


Electrical distribution network reconfiguration is a complex optimization process aimed at finding a radial operating structure that minimizes the system power loss while satisfying operating constraints. Network reconfiguration for time varying loads is very complex and extremely non-linear optimization, which can be effectively, solved using Genetic Algorithm (GA). Because of the faults and after isolating the fault, there are unfaulted sections, which are left without supply. It is required to quickly restore supply to these unfaulted sections of distribution systems. During a fault, switches are used for fault isolation and service restoration. This paper presents a simple method to solve online network reconfiguration problem for loss reduction and service restoration using GA. By using the proposed algorithm, a more efficient online network reconfiguration can be obtained to reduce losses. The loads can be restored as much as possible by transferring de-energized loads to other supporting distribution feeders without violating operating constraints. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated with 16-node test system. The method suggested is very simple for feeder reconfiguration and service restoration.


Online Network Reconfiguration, Radial Distribution System, Service Restoration, Genetic Algorithm

How to Cite this Article?

Dr. P.Venkata Prasad, S. Sivanagaraju and Sreenivasulu N (2007). On-line Network Reconfiguration and Service Restoration in Radial Distribution Systems Using Genetic Algorithm. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 1(4),39-45. https://doi.org/10.26634/jse.1.4.742


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