Effective packet transmission in a Beacon Period Using MARI TOPOLOGY in Adhoc wireless Networks

Subramanyam M.V*, K. Satya Prasad**, Nagaraja Kumar N***
*HOD of ECE ,R.G.M. College of Engg and Tech ,Nandyal ,Krnool Dist ,A.P
**Principal ,JNTU College of Engg ,Kakinada
*** M.Tech ,III Semester ,R.G.M. College of Engg and Tech ,Nandyal ,Krnool Dist ,A.P
Periodicity:January - March'2007
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jse.1.3.737


Ad hoc networks are a new wireless networking paradigm for mobile hosts. Ad hoc wireless networks have emerged as one of the key growth areas for wireless networking and computing technology. Unlike traditional mobile wireless networks, ad hoc networks do not rely on any fixed infrastructure. Instead, hosts rely on each other to keep the network connected. The nodes in ad-hoc networks are battery operated and have limited energy resources, which is indeed a great limitations. Each node consumes a large amount of energy while transmission or reception of packets, among the nodes.

In this paper we have proposed a new topology and its management, called MARI topology. The MARI Topology proposed for power management is novel and is used for the consumption of minimum power in an ad hoc wireless network, at each node. The Protocol groups the network into distinct networks with the selection of MARI nodes and Gateways for efficient packet transmission between any member node pair. The operational cycle at each node is classified into four distinct operations, i.e., transmitting, receiving, idle and sleep cycle, in order to achieve efficient power management in an ad hoc wireless network. In this paper we are concentrating the throughput with respect to the packet size and beacon period duration.


MARI Topology, MARI Nodes, Gate Way Nodes, Beacon Period, Packet Size.

How to Cite this Article?

Subramanyam M.V, K. Satya Prasad and Nagaraja Kumar N (2007). Effective packet transmission in a Beacon Period Using MARI TOPOLOGY in Adhoc wireless Networks.i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 1(3), 43-49. https://doi.org/10.26634/jse.1.3.737


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