Using weblogs as a tool for reflective learning

Raja Maznah Raja Hussain*, Foo Sze-Yeng**
* Professor, Department af Curriculum and lnstructional Technology, Faculty of Educatian, University of Malaya Malaysia.
** Research Assistant, Department af Curriculum and instructional Technology, Faculty af Education, University af Malaya, Malaysia.
Periodicity:December - February'2008


This study explores the phenomenon of reflective learning through weblogging among pre-service teachers enrolled in an undergraduate technology course. Teacher trainees used weblogs to record their experiences in learning to use technology in teaching and learning.  Although weblogging has emerged as a new form of mainstream communication among younger 'digital citizens' (Prensky, 2001), it has yet to be widely studied in the teacher training program in Malaysia, as a tool for reflective learning. This study seeks to find out the practicability of introducing weblogging in an instructional setting by examining the focus and level of reflection weblogging is able to facilitate. The findings from the content analysis of individual weblogs and focus group interviews show that the sample of six pre-service teachers were generally at ease and optimistic about using weblogging to reflect on a range of content. However, some weblogs were more reflective than others and seven factors were found to influence the level of reflection in the weblogs. This paper reveals that assessment in weblogging for reflective learning is contentious and may be a culture-specific issue. It is suggested that weblogging is generally a viable tool to facilitate reflective learning; not only about course content but also professional values, attitudes and learning strategies. The condition is that instructional design elements must be observed.


Weblogging,Teacher Training,Instructional Technology,Instructional Design.

How to Cite this Article?

Raja Maznah Raja Hussain and Foo Sze-Yeng (2008). Using weblogs as a tool for reflective learning. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology. 3(3), 26-37.


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