Cognitive Training as Treatment for ADHD: Effectiveness in School-Aged Children

Emily J. Garner*, Marsha Harman J**, Jerry Bruce J***
* Sam Houston Stafe University
** Professor of Psyohology, Department of Psychology and Philosophy, Sam Houston Stofe University
***Professor of Psyohology, Department of Psyohology and Philosophy, Sam HoustonSfofe UniversiTy
Periodicity:December - February'2008


The purpose of this investigation was to ascertain the effectiveness of Captain’s Log, a computerized cognitive-training program designed to improve attention and reduce impulsivity. Participants consisted of 48 children in third through sixth grades, nominated by teachers for classroom behavior that interfered with their learning.  Students were randomly assigned to either an experimental group or the control condition.  All of the students first completed the Integrated Visual and Auditory Continuous Performance Test (IVA CPT), which served as a pre-test measure of attention and impulsivity.  Those assigned to the experimental group then received seven weekly sessions of Captain’s Log, each lasting approximately 30 minutes.  Those in the control group were excused from class for an equal amount of time, but played a basic computer game (Solitaire) instead. In addition, teachers completed the BASC Teacher Rating Scale at the beginning and conclusion of the study in order to determine if behavioral changes were recognized in the classroom.  A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) of the post-test measures found that the visual-focused attention scale showed a statistically significant improvement in the experimental group.


Cognitive-training, Performance test, Integrated learning.

How to Cite this Article?

Emily J. Garner ,Marsha Harman J and Jerry Bruce a (2008). Cognitive Training as Treatment for ADHD: Effectiveness in School-Aged Children. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology. 3(3), 17-25.


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