The Ideology of Innovation Education and its Emergence as a New subject in Compulsory Schools

Svanborg R Jonsdottir*, Gisli Thorsteinsson**, Tom Page***
* Chair of the lcelandicTeachersAssociation for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education.
** Assistant Professor, Department of Design and Craft, Iceland UnNersify of Educatlon, Research Scholar, Loughborough University
*** Lecturer of Electronic Product Design,Department of Design andTechnology LoughboroughUniversitY,England.
Periodicity:March - May'2008


Innovation Education and Practical Use of Knowledge was introduced into the Icelandic National Curriculum for compulsory schools in 1999, where it is defined by the curriculum writers as a “school subject” but is not allocated any direct time in the recommended guidelines for subjects. This paper describes a master’s research project from the University of Iceland, Faculty of Pedagogy and Education which focuses on how Innovation Education emerged in Iceland and how the subject has developed; what makes the subject special; and what factors, internal and external, have influenced its dissemination. The paper will include an overview of the data collection and analysis methods and an overview of the findings.


Innovation, Education, Curriculum, Academic Learning.

How to Cite this Article?

Svanborg R Jonsdottir and Gisli Thorsteinsson, Tom Page (2008 The Ideology of Innovation Education and its Emergence as a New subject in Compulsory Schools. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology. 3(4), 75-84.


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